Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spawn Update

I didn't post anything about the spawn I had going on here because I lost all of the fry before I started this blog. I was really upset about this and was thinking that the male may have eaten the fry, but after deeper investigation I learned something new. At 2 weeks of age betta fry are developing their labyrinth organ. During this process they need the air temperature to be the same as the water temperature (where I went wrong, I had a lid with a hole in the top next time I am using plastic wrap to retain heat better) or else they will get mucus in their labyrinth organ and die rapidly. On day 13 I had fry, on day 14 I had none. Once I have a well conditioned male again (The daddy of this spawn is bubble nesting but I want to give him a rest) I will pair him with the appropriate colored lady from my sorority or one of my two platinum red crowntail females but most likely not as they are part of my friend's project I don't have any crowntail males and prefer not to cross into crowns.

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